Dear BAPL Lovers,
I’m delighted to introduce myself as the new president of the Friends of the Library. The Friends are a group of dedicated volunteers who love our library and help raise money to support its calendar of incredible events and programs for all ages. Because of the Friends, BAPL can offer art programs and DIY take-home kits, summer reading surprises and special guests, life-long learning opportunities, and engaging speakers and presenters.
This Valentine’s Day, why not give someone you love a membership to the Friends? To sweeten the deal, our friends at The Chocolate Lab have provided a special discount to anyone making a gift to the Friends in the month of February or March 2022! Just show proof that you are a Friend member or have made a donation. This special 10% in-store discount runs until March 31st, 2022.
Sharing your love with the library is a gift to our whole community, and I’m very grateful for your support.
Thank you for being a Friend!
-Krista Best