We’re going to have a TON of spooky treats and crafts for all ages! Come in costume for a good scare…if you dare!
What vehicles will be there? A firetruck, police cars, ambulance, bookmobile, and a local Bethlehem Steel native–TUG! Chat with Bethlehem City employees including Mayor Reynolds! Stop in to engage with the local community and meet fellow Halloween fans.
Here are the activities available for families at Trunk-or-Treat:
- Scavenger Hunt
- DIY Hand Monster
- Vote for Best Trunk
- Bat Hat
- DIY Paper Pumpkin
- Join the Costume Contest!
- Haunted Bean Bag Toss
- DIY Trick-or-Treat Bags
- Flying Ghost Craft
- Spider Craft
- LEGOs & Keva Planks
- Spooky Puppets
- Halloween Karaoke
- Activity Packets
Don’t forget to stop by each truck for a treat! Check out some terrifying books at the library too!
Not sure where everything is? Check out this handy dandy map!

Thank you SO much to our generous sponsors for donating delicious candy for kids to grab on a wonderful night. We are very grateful to have a community that cares so much and gives back to one another.

We hope everyone has a great night!