November 2, 2020

Updated Library Schedule and Services

BAPL Main, South Side, and Coolidge are now open for limited and by-appointment browsing!  Masks are required as is standard social-distancing protocol. Please note that the procedure is somewhat different at each location. If you have any questions, please call ahead of time. Main Library: Normal hours: Mon – Wed: 9AM – 8PM, Thurs & Fri: […]

November 2, 2020

2019 Annual Report

The 2019 BAPL Annual Report is here. Read all about the new buildings, services, and other highlights from 2019.

October 23, 2020

Books on the Hill T-shirts Available

Stop by the Main Library to purchase one of the snazzy T-shirts! The art is by acclaimed children’s book artist Zachariah OHara. The shirts are made by Lehigh Valley Apparel Creations. The funds raised go to support Books on the Hill, a new BAPL location coming soon to Fountain Hill.

October 21, 2020

Thank you to the Friends of the Library!

The Friends of the Library are a dedicated group of library lovers and volunteers who use proceeds from fundraising activities and annual memberships to underwrite BAPL’s programs and support the library’s growth. It’s National Friends of Libraries Week and that’s a great time to express our gratitude! We couldn’t offer all the incredible free programs […]

BAPL News, Friends of the Library
October 12, 2020

BAPL Library Board Meeting to be held via Zoom 10/12/2020

Please note that the Bethlehem Area Public Library’s October board meeting will be held online on October 12, 2020 at 6pm. The virtual meeting will be open to the public as attendees. Attendees will be able to listen to the meeting and make comment at the designated time, following typical public comment procedure. To attend […]

September 18, 2020

Time is Running Out to be Counted for the Census!

Census data determines representation in government and it is so important our community be accurately counted. We need a fair, accurate, and complete count! Good decisions depend on good data. You can #CountOnLibraries, can we count on you? Visit and be counted today!

September 15, 2020

New Hours at BAPL Coolidge

Beginning the week of Monday, September 28th, the BAPL location at the Coolidge building in Bethlehem Township will have new and expanded hours! They are as follows: Monday           CLOSED Tuesday           11-5 Wednesday     11-7 Thursday         11-5 Friday               CLOSED […]

September 10, 2020

‘Last Cast 25’ to Commemorate 25th Anniversary of Steelmaking This Fall

Steelworkers’ Reunion Party, Public Art Project, Steelworker Speaker Series & More Highlight Events and Programs Through November BETHLEHEM, PA—A Steelworkers reunion party, public art project featuring Bethlehem beams, the opportunity for students to discover local history from steelworkers, and the creation of a new children’s book that tells the story of a ‘Tug’ tractor that […]

September 9, 2020

25 Amazing Facts About Libraries (Mental Floss)

Beloved magazine Mental Floss has long been collecting and sharing facts to a huge audience for many years. It now lives on as a popular website still bringing the facts to audiences around the globe. We were delighted to see this list of 25 Amazing Facts About Libraries. Among facts about libraries from Ireland to Finland […]

August 27, 2020

Computer Reservations Available

Need to use a computer? Public computers are now available at the Main Library by appointment only. Please follow the below instructions to check availability and schedule an appointment. Call the Adult Services Department at 610-867-3761 x399 We will let you know what times are available and you can schedule an appointment from available options. […]

July 28, 2020

Plant-a-Row at BAPL

BAPL Main Library (11 W. Church St.) is now a drop-off location for “Plant A Row Lehigh Valley.” Plant-a-Row is a group of local gardeners who supply fresh produce to food pantries, soup kitchens, and meal centers. Area gardeners are encouraged to bring their overflow produce to the library on Mondays from 1-8 and Tuesdays […]

July 16, 2020

We are not accepting donations of books at this time

BAPL has temporarily halted the acceptance of donated books, effective July 20. We need some time to go through the large volume we’ve received recently and are running out of room. Thank you for your generosity! We do not expect this to last for very long, but please refrain from bringing donations of books and […]

June 30, 2020

BAPL is now offering touchless borrowing!

Starting Tuesday June 30, BAPL is thrilled to begin offering touchless check-out services! You may place a hold or request a book online or over the phone, and visit Main, the South Side branch, or Coolidge for touchless pickup. How do I place a hold or reserve a book? Call the Main, South Side branch, […]

June 29, 2020

Antiracist Resources

The Bethlehem Area Public Library is committed to actively supporting essential conversations and actions to confront racism in America. This page will feature antiracist resources available in our collections, links to external resources, and information about library programs that promote antiracist conversation within our community and with our patrons. In our collections Antiracist reading Stamped […]

BAPL News, Book recommendations, Programs at BAPL, Reference
June 23, 2020

A Celebration of Latinx Stories at BAPL: from 1976-Today

IN 1976, BAPL’s South Side Branch became an intellectual haven for Bethlehem’s Latinx residents and a “fiesta para todos” would celebrate the library’s new multi-cultural vision and resources available for the Hispanic community. In 2019, through a Mellon Grant from Lehigh Valley Engaged Humanities Consortium and in partnership with Lehigh University, BAPL’s Janine Santoro began […]

BAPL News, Bethlehem Latinx Oral History Project, South Side Branch