September 8, 2022

BAPL Book Bike

Back in 2020, IronPigs Charities awarded BAPL a grant for a really fun new initiative: a book-powered mini library! Call it a pedal-powered bookmobile. Or just “the book bike” (though technically it is a tricycle). It looks like an ice cream trike you’d see down the shore. But filled with books! Our plan is to […]

September 8, 2022

Summer Reading Raffle Winner!

It was a summer of prizes at BAPL. At the Main Library, we had more than 200 entries in our Summer Reading Raffle for adults. To enter, library users filled out a short book review or told us about something the library made possible for them. Eight winner received a gift card to a local […]

BAPL News, Summer Reading
August 30, 2022

“Big” News: New BAPL Book: THE GIANT MOVES

We are happy to announce the release of a new BAPL Books publication: THE GIANT MOVES. The story began when Mike Piersa of the National Museum of Industrial History contacted us about a new book possibility featuring the Whitworth Bending Press. The Bending Press — an enormous piece of equipment weighing almost one million pounds! […]

August 25, 2022

Mural Unveiling at the Banana Factory

We are excited to be part of the upcoming First Friday at the Banana Factory (Sept 2, 7pm) and even more excited about the mural! The mural depicts leaders in the Latinx community hanging out at BAPL! The unveiling of the mural is also part of the launch of Voces de la Comunidad, a brand […]

July 27, 2022

New Bike Rack at BAPL thanks to Eagle Scout Toby Lader

If you’ve been past the Main Library recently, you may have noticed some bright yellow wheels alongside the porch. This colorful contribution is a brand new bike rack, courtesy of  a local Eagle Scout candidate named Toby Lader. Toby reached out to us at the library with an idea to create a new bike rack […]

July 11, 2022

Plant-a-Row is Back

BAPL is proud to be a drop-off location for “Plant-A-Row” again this year. Plant-A-Row Lehigh Valley is a group of local gardeners who donate surplus to neighbors in need.  Then, their volunteers transport donations received to area food pantries, meal centers, soup kitchens and shelters.  Even if you don’t have a garden, you can still […]

June 29, 2022

We Build Bethlehem

City residents are invited to help shape the future of Bethlehem. Take the “We Build Bethlehem” survey  today. We Build Bethlehem will also be used to share the City’s plans and progress for a variety of upcoming initiatives, available online in English and in Spanish at  We thank you for your partnership as #WeBuildBethlehem […]

June 27, 2022

“The City and The Swifts”

We had such a great time hosting the unveiling of artist Raisa Kochmaruk’s mural here at BAPL on July 10. The mural itself will be hung at the City’s Walnut Street parking garage later this year. An excellent interview with Raisa about the project can be heard here. She talked birds and art with LV […]

June 1, 2022

Mural Unveiling: June 10 at BAPL

The humble Chimney Swift has already been named The City Bird of Bethlehem—now it’s being memorialized in a work of art. Bethlehem painter, Raisa Kochmaruk has been at work on a mural to be hung on the Walnut Street Parking Garage, where the public will be able to enjoy this beautiful work of art while […]

May 31, 2022

BAPL Strategic Plan 2022

We are happy to share the three-year Strategic Plan for BAPL, which addresses our top priorities and plans for the years 2022-2024. This strategic plan cycle began in an unprecedented global pandemic which has impacted the community’s health, economy, education — and the library. Despite the continuation of pandemic disruptions, themes were identified during the […]

May 12, 2022

Stories from the Archives – The Palette Club

From Our Local History Collection The Bethlehem Palette Club: The Arts in Postwar Bethlehem In the years after World War II, the arts flourished in Bethlehem. The Palette Club, a local group of artists, held their first meeting on June 11, 1947. Nine artists joined together to form the club with the common goal of […]

BAPL News, Local History
May 5, 2022

2021 Annual Report

Check out our 2021 Annual Report! You can read about all the fun things (virtual and in-person) we did last year and learn more about library programs. In total, 379,565 were checked out in 2021. And we cut the ribbon on another new library location. And so much more! Read on!

May 5, 2022

Student Lighthouse Team Shines in Fountain Hill

Student volunteers from Fountain Hill Elementary School dropped by Books on the Hill during their clean-up visit to Stanley Park on Thursday, April 21, 2022—the first of several planned park clean-ups by the civic-minded group. The initiative was led by 4th-grader Kali Drayton (seen here with classmate Yousef Abuharthieh) as part of the school’s leadership […]

BAPL News, Books on the Hill