Lehigh’s Notations series brings all sorts of great writers from all around the world to Bethlehem, but tomorrow’s author comes to Bethlehem from Bethlehem! It’s BAPL’s own Kate Racculia! You can see her reading at Zoellner Arts Center. Tuesday March 3, 7:00pm. Free and open to all!

Kate Racculia is the author of three novels, including This Must Be the Place and Bellweather Rhapsody, winner of the American Library Association’s Alex Award, an honor for a work written for adults which also has special appeal to young adults. Her new novel, Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt October 2019), tells the story of a dying billionaire, a cast of dreamers and a citywide treasure hunt.
The Notations Series is presented by the Lehigh University Creative Writing Program, Visiting Lecturers Committee and Zoellner Arts Center with support from an Anonymous Donor.